How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone With A Guy (And Have Him Chasing You)
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How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone With A Guy (And Have Him Chasing You)

Can single men and women ever really be just friends? We put that question posed by When Harry Met Sally to bed ages ago. In fact, some of your very best friends are probably members of the opposite sex . Now, that said, you might still have questions about how your single guys see you—particularly that friend in your circle with whom sparks always fly.

Women are hesitant to date that guy friend for the same reason they’re hesitant to set a guy up with one of their girlfriends. Guys often think the.

I used to think I was doing myself a favor by instantly friend-zoning the men I met. I make new friends like strippers make money — frequently, at a high volume, and with very little effort. With that, I found life a lot less complicated when I only established platonic friendships. As I grew older though, all of that changed for me. I realized that the reason I felt that there were no good men left to date is because I was friends with all my candidates!

So, what was a girl to do? Here are five good reasons to date your guy friend. Still, there are a bunch of qualities in him that you really care for. This makes things like getting cheated on or other relationship red flags easy to see if they ever become present. Depending on the level of maturity and depth of the friendship, it also eliminates the risk of pesky arguments. Face it. Most of the greatest parts of your life will be a result of taking risks — that goes for relationships, too.

As a result of getting to know your friend on a deeper level, you two will naturally develop an intimate relationship with one another. If you thought that your friendship was fruitful, just watch where being connected on this level takes the two of you as you embark on a romantic relationship.