A Dating Coach Reveals Why Being A Nice Guy Can Make You A Loser
Дата публикации: 24.10.2021

A Dating Coach Reveals Why Being A Nice Guy Can Make You A Loser

You have percent control over the people you let into your life, and that includes the men you date. You have no standards. Everyone should have standards. If your standards are completely absent, you might as well date a garden slug or an expired bottle of mustard. Both would be preferable to dating a loser. Do you know how you can tell if a guy is a loser?

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WTF are they thinking? So get out a pen and paper. Is this new SO a freeloader? Flirting with other people? If you answered yes to any these questions then your disdain is legitimate and coming from a place of concern. Talk to your friend about your concerns and tell them why you think this relationship is not healthy and that they deserve better. Additionally, finding this person annoying or gross are not legitimate reasons to spurn someone your friend presumably loves.

If what you dislike about this person is more topical than skin deep it may be time to ask yourself what really is stopping you from liking this person? Are you feeling replaced by this new SO and these feelings of neglect have made you resent this person? Not everyone makes a great first impression. They could have been in a bad mood or simply exhausted the day you met.