A Black man gives insight into dating with a mental illness
Дата публикации: 21.10.2021

A Black man gives insight into dating with a mental illness

If you are dating a girl with a mental illness, toss your preconceived notions aside and try to see the world from our point of view. Here are 17 things you should know about dating a girl with mental illness. Why are women with a mental illness self-conscious?

Follow these four tips for when you are dating with depression. You would certainly not expect someone with a serious physical illness to be your mental health professional on whether or not dating would be good for you at this stage in.

Here are ten things that are best left unsaid. Here are ten things we think are best left unsaid, and the reasons why. But they are by no means imaginary which is why this comment is so hurtful. Not only does this attitude trivialise the emotional symptoms of a mental illness, it ignores the many physical symptoms that mental illnesses can cause , such as tiredness, a churning gut, muscle pains, disturbed sleep, and weight loss or gain.

For people who have never experienced a mental illness, it can be hard to understand that depression and other mental illnesses often have no trigger at all. This is one of the most commonly used and most dismissive comments of all. Although someone may seem to have it all, depression can affect anyone, even the rich and famous — just look at Nicki Minaj, Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and so many others who have opened up about their mental illness.

The reality is that many people hide their mental illness under a mask of happiness. Some may not feel comfortable to reveal how they truly feel; others might do it as a coping mechanism. A nice idea and we understand people have good intentions, but no amount of tea is really going to help. While it does take time, it often also takes professional medical treatment, and the love and care of a non-judgmental support network.

Remember, the person may not share your spiritual beliefs — and even if they do, they may already be wrestling with different emotions such as feeling ashamed or worried that God is somehow punishing or testing them for something they have done. Also, for someone who is struggling with their faith or spirituality, this might actually push them further away.