Four Greek Myths to Know Before Visiting Athens
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Four Greek Myths to Know Before Visiting Athens

Greek mythology is one of the most fascinating mythological accounts of the ancient world. The Greek myths were actually efforts of the people to explain the creation of the world, the nature around them, weather conditions and generally any superhuman that was happening in their daily life. At first, Greek mythology stories were transmitted orally and they were usually narrated in the form of songs.

35 votes, 16 comments. Thinking about it, it seems like an amazing idea. Like, looking just at Greek myths alone, you have all these different male .

Euripides c. Euripides was born in Attica and lived in Athens most of his life despite spending most of his time in Salamis. He enhanced the importance of intrigue in tragedy and passed away in Macedonia at the court of King Archelaus. Discover the innovation of Euripides, his background and review the list of tragedies and their dates. As an innovator, some aspects of Euripides’ tragedy seem more at home in comedy than in tragedy.

During his lifetime, Euripides’ innovations were often met with hostility, especially in the way his traditional legends portrayed the moral standards of the gods. Virtuous men appeared as more moral than the gods. These texts explore Greek mythology and look into the dark side of humanity, such as stories including suffering and revenge. Over 90 plays were written by Euripides, but unfortunately only 19 have survived.

Here is a list of the tragedies of Euripides ca. Share Flipboard Email.