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Use the table of period on the right to navigate the guide. Use Next step section or a panel on the right. I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I am assured. I can defend the position.

Apr 28, – David’s first surgery is set for mid June. He’ll have his kidney removed (and hopefully, that’s it but it depends on what they find if they’ll need to​.

The new site update is up! You say yes, but don’t make concrete plans. After thinking about it, you don’t want to go after all, mostly because you feel like it’s too soon to meet in person but also just because. What do you say to the person on the other end? Would that be alright? If you feel it’s too soon, I’d go with the above response. If it is that you just don’t want to go at all, I have said things along the lines of “I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m but I’m not going to be able to meet up after all.

It may also be horrible, in which case you will know you made the right decision. In the second scenario, I then block them and their number. I mean, if you didn’t make concrete plans, there is no date. It’s proactive to reach out and decline, and that’s great if you want to do it. But it’s also totally fine to just drop off the face of the earth.