What You Need to Know About Professor-Student Relationships
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What You Need to Know About Professor-Student Relationships

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. By continuing to browse the site you consent to the use of cookies. Learn more. Being in college also means that you will now face the real deal in life.

First things first: A student must be 18 years old to legally be able to consent to a relationship with an adult. Beyond that, some schools have.

If you’re a Christian thinking about dating , there are some “rules” that you should probably be aware of. They’re not necessarily biblical rules, but for the most part they are wise rules that are worthy of consideration. For example, before you date you should probably wait and ask what other people think first. You should also read a dating book to make sure you’re thinking “soberly.

And if you’re a freshmen in college, you must be aware of the Freshmen Rule: “Don’t date during your first year in college. However is this wise? Should freshmen avoid dating ? Or is it really not that big of a deal? Well before I offer my opinion, I know most freshmen probably don’t follow this Freshmen Rule.