Creation vs. Evolution
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Creation vs. Evolution

Primary source references As a preface to this document, I want to point out that it is a shame that we have to continue to refute the same arguments that evolutionists keep bringing up over and over again in their attempts to argue against the fact of creation, which fact has been well established since the day the earth was created ex nihilo several thousand years ago.

It is also a shame that the masses have bought all this based on some circular reasoning about fossils, where fossils tend to be found buried, similarities between various life forms, the presence of certain decay products in rocks, and other inherently speculative arguments about the past, based on phenomena that exist in the present.

If I hope to accomplish anything, it will be to simply encourage critical thinking. One must get past the arguments ad populum that its popularity counts for something , ad hominem that if you attack the person making the argument, this counts for something , and especially ad baculum that there are people who have the clout to decree it as true , to ask the key questions and challenge the unsubstantiated assumptions and thinking of those who would hold to the evolution position.

Newfoundland and Labrador is home to some of the oldest rocks and fossils on the planet. The Johnson GEO CENTRE is a must-do when visiting St. John’s. Located on Signal Hill, it takes you deep, deep underground amidst rock that’s more than million years old.

References Life on the planet started astonishingly early. The first living organisms, in the current model of evolution, are thought to be Prokaryotes1. The oldest known fossilised prokaryotes have been dated to approximately 3. Eukaryotes2 are more advanced organisms with complex cell structures, each of which contains a nucleus. Although incredibly hard to determine their origin, they are thought to have developed 1.

Animals4, in the most basic sense of the word, are considered to have evolved from Eukaryotes. Fossils of early sponges have been discovered in million year old rock. Later on, around million years ago, some highly significant fossils of an organism which was named Charnia4. These enigmatic early animals were anchored to the sea floor where they are thought to have absorbed nutrients.

Around million years ago, during the Ordovician Period, land plants appeared, although new evidence may suggest that complex photosynthetic plants developed over million years ago. Studies of fossils from the Devonian Period — Ma5. Towards the end of this time seeds had evolved. The dominance of the Dinosaurs6 lasted for over million years, from around Ma, to their ultimate demise at the end of the Cretaceous 65 million years ago.